Mayor’s Report
Monessen Council Meeting March 10 Actions Taken.
Meeting called to order at 7 pm.
Roll call was given. All were present.
Pledge to the flag.
Minutes were approved for the following: Jan. 6, Jan. 29, Feb. 11.
Presentation from Josh Jenks to discuss the filming of Showtime’s ‘Rust’ series in Downtown Monessen, and to request that a portion of traffic on Donner Avenue be rerouted during filming, the morning of April 6, 2020.
Presentation from Tom Marinkovich, who requested time to speak on monetary issues. Mr. Marinkovich asked if the insurance went up from the former Mayor, and why a lawsuit fee was paid by the city. He asked about a park grant that was written by myself and denied by the council. That grant has since been approved and received, and restoration work is being done in 6th Street Park, with neighborhood input. Lastly, he asked about the mill, and if their taxes could be re-assessed (and raised). “Spot assessment” is not possible.
The floor was opened to public comment on agenda items.
Correspondence was read from the Washington County Board of Commissioners stating that Monessen would no longer be in the annual rotation for the Veteran’s Day Parade.
Treasurer, Gerry Saksun read the report for Month Ending, February 2020. The report was approved as read.
Other actions that were taken:
Approved an emergency repair on Third Street sanitary overflow sewer (on the property of Arcelor Mittal), and awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. WEC, the city’s engineer, recommended the contract be awarded to Morgan Excavating based on the bid price of $161,518.75 — paid for with Line Usage Fund.
Approved the appointment of Kevin Parker to the vacant position of Monessen City Controller to fill the unexpired term, pursuant to the Third Class City Code.
Approved the Chief of Police agreement by and between the City of Monessen and James B. Smith, Chief of Police, for the period from January 6, 2020, until the city’s reorganizational meeting, scheduled for the first Monday of January 2022.
Ratified and affirmed the termination of Dodaro, Matta and Cambest, and Joseph R. Dalfonso as City Solicitor and the appointment of Watson, Mundorff & Sepic, LLP, and Timothy J. Witt as City Solicitor until the next reorganization meeting from the January 6, 2020 reorganization meeting.
Ratified and affirmed the expiration and termination of Judith Taylor as City Administrator/Clerk and to appoint John Harhai as City Administrator/Clerk until the next reorganization meeting from January 6, 2020 reorganization meeting.
Ratified and affirmed the restriction of camera access from the January 6, 2020 reorganization meeting.
Rescinded and canceled the motions to rescind the appointment of Brooke Farmer and to advertise for a vacant position on the Mon Valley Sewage Authority.
Approved Kare for My Kids Fly to host their annual Easter Egg hunt at the Monessen City Park on Saturday, April 22, 2020, from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm.
Approved authorization to advertise for the vacant Accounting/Payroll Clerk position.
Read the Police Report for the Month of February 2020.
Read the Street report for the Month of February 2020.
-The public works department is clearing streets and sidewalks of weeds and debris as weather permits. This will continue throughout the year as weather and time permits.
-All public works and police vehicles have been repaired and are in good working condition.
-The GPS units have been removed from all city vehicles, management will closely manage the workload going forward at an annual savings of $3,600.
No Library Report.
No Redevelopment Authority Report.
Read the Parks Report for the Month of February 2020.
Columbus Park — Public Works crew has repaired the field house and concession stand, gutters and downspouts have been replaced or repaired. The roof leak from 2019 has been caulked. The inside ceiling wall was replaced due to water damage. All equipment has been checked and is operational.
City Park Field — Public works removed the pitching screen form the infield. The concession building and all equipment have been examined and are in good working order. The stone wall at the upper parking lot has collapsed again. The public works crew is in the process of rebuilding the wall as weather permits.
Read the Code Office report for the Month of February 2020.
Read the Code Office financial report for the Month of February 2020.
Read the Fire Report for the Month of February 2020.
No EMS Report.
Approved payment of the list of bills.
Read a Tax Anticipation Note (TAN) update. The City of Monessen was denied a TAN note for the following reasons:
-Instability of the leadership and the internal struggles taking place.
-Budget and past financials made no sense to the actuaries.
-A significant amount of long term debt on the books, mostly attributed to bonds without a concise plan of repayment. However, with all that said, our administrator has done a magnificent job of managing the monies.
Liquid Fuels Grant Update — $284,000. The City Administrator filed all the necessary paperwork and we should receive the funds in about a month.
DCED, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) — $298,000. This money has restricted use.
Police and city computer systems have been upgraded for all computers. Updated computers to Microsoft Windows 10 and doubled the bandwidth to handle the additional volume and increased speed. The police department covered all the police systems with DEA monies that were earned while working with the Federal Drug Enforcement Administration.
Read the city’s financial standing.
Additional comments from Councilman Gregor, regarding past improprieties with the police pension and other mishandled issues within the city over the past few years.
Opened the floor to general public comment.
Adjourned the meeting at 10:11 pm.