Mayor’s Report
Council Meeting, January 12, 2021, Actions Taken.
The following actions were taken at the Monessen City Council meeting on January 12, 2021.
The meeting was called to order at 7 pm.
Roll call was given. All council members were present.
Pledge to the flag.
Minutes were approved for the December 28, 2020 meeting.
The floor was opened to public comment on agenda items.
State of the City Address
Old Business: N/A
City Treasurer’s Report was given for the month ending Dec. 2020.
The report was approved, 5–0.
Some highlights of the report are as follows:
Real Estate taxes collected for Dec. 2020, $46,385.40 (YTD: $2,070,027.11)
Tax Distribution:
General fund: $1,490,142.35
Debt Service Fund: $513,380.79
Parks Fund: $258,487.25
Library Fund: $50,000.00
Real Estate Transfer Tax Collected for Dec., $2,809.66 (YTD: $176,882.46)
Earned Income Tax Collected for Dec., $61,091.46 (YTD: $612,031.07)
Mercantile Tax Collected for Dec., $588.34 (YTD: $26,019.63)
Local Services Tax Collected for Dec., $782.79 (YTD: $75,351.77)
Tax Certifications Collected for Oct., $2,285.00 (YTD: $23,575.00)
Municipal Lien Letters Collected for Oct, $1,7725.00 (YTD: $17,325.00)
Of Note: Properties in Monessen are being sold at an increased rate. Real Estate Transfer Tax Revenue has increased substantially in 2020, compared to 2019. In 2019: 50,079.71. In 2020: $176,882.46.
City Controller’s report was given for the month ending December 31, 2020. The reconciled balance to the bank statement is $218,791.44.
New Business:
Mayor Shorraw
A Motion to adopt Resolution №1 of 2021, a Resolution of the City of Monessen, Westmoreland County, County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Adopting the Municipal Comprehensive Plan (The plan is on the City’s website at (Vote Approved 5–0)
A Motion to adopt Resolution №2 of 2021, a Resolution of the City of Monessen, Westmoreland County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Adopting the Westmoreland County Hazard Mitigation Plan. (Vote Approved 5–0)
A Motion to approve a handicap parking space at 916 Athalia Avenue for Carmella Devine. (Vote Approved 5–0)
A Motion to ratify the December 28, 2020 reappointment of Paul Berardelli to the Mon Valley Sewage Authority. (Vote Approved 5–0)
A Motion to appoint Devona Carter to the Planning Commission (4-year term beginning 1/1/2021). (Vote Approved 5–0)
A Motion to appoint Jean Aiello to the Shade Tree Commission (2-year term beginning 1/1/2021). (Vote Approved 5–0)
A Motion to appoint Marsha Adams to the Environmental Advisory Board (3-year term beginning 1/1/2021). (Vote Approved 5–0)
A Motion to appoint Candis Kelley to Environmental Advisory Board (2-year term beginning 1/1/2021). (Vote Approved 5–0)
A Motion to appoint William Manus to the Zoning and Hearing Board (1-year term beginning 1/1/2021). (Vote Approved 5–0)
A Motion to conduct the second reading and to enact Ordinance №14 of 2020, An Ordinance of the City of Monessen, establishing certain rules and regulations regarding the prohibition of discrimination in housing, commercial property, employment, and public accommodations based upon race, color, religious creed, ancestry, age, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, genetic information, handicap or disability, use of a guide or support animal because the user is a handler or trainer of support or guide animals; provide for the creation of the City of Monessen Human Relations Commission; providing definitions; and providing for an effective date. (Vote Approved 5–0)
A Motion to conduct the second reading and to enact Ordinance №16 of 2020, and Ordinance of the City of Monessen, Westmoreland County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, requiring the mapping and documentation of the existence and removal of abandoned underground utilities; requiring the mapping and documentation of replacement utilities; establishing fines and enforcement; providing for an effective date. (Vote Approved 5–0)
A Motion to conduct the second reading and to enact Ordinance 1229 (№19 of 2020), an Ordinance of the City of Monessen, Westmoreland County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, correcting incorrectly numbered ordinances by and for the City of Monessen; and providing for an effective date. (Vote Approved 5–0)
A Motion to introduce and conduct the first reading of Bill №1of 2021, Ordinance 1231, an Ordinance of the City of Monessen, Westmoreland County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, re-establishing a blighted property review board by and for the City of Monessen; re-establishing a purpose; re-establishing rules and regulations governing the board; providing definitions; providing procedures for the determination, acquisition, and reuse of blighted property; establishing and appeal process; establishing additional board functions; repealing Ordinance №5 of 2008; repealing Ordinance №7 of 1978; and providing for an effective date. (Vote Approved 5–0)
A Motion to advertise for the vacant positions on the Monessen Human Relations Commission. (Vote Approved 5–0)
A Motion to approve the purchase of a 2020 Ford Interceptor Model K8A AWD for the Police Dept. This vehicle will replace the vehicle that was previously totaled in an accident in November. The purchase price is $43,811.00 using PA CoStars 013. C. Harper Ford will be the local dealer. (Vote Approved 3–2)
The Police Report for the Month Ending December 2020 was read.
The Police Report for the Year Ending 2020 was read.
Councilwoman Thomas:
The Street Dept. Report for the Month Ending December 2020 was read.
No Library Report.
All repairs to the Library have been completed.
No Redevelopment Authority Report.
Councilman Orzechowski:
The Parks Report for the Month Ending December 2020 was read.
Councilman Gregor:
The Code Enforcement Office Financial Report for the Month Ending December 2020 was read.
Of Note: Year to Date 2020 Code Office Revenue is: $168,400.20.
The Code Enforcement Activity Report for the Month Ending December 2020 was read.
The Mon Valley EMS Report for the Month Ending December 2020 was read.
The Fire Dept. Report for the Month Ending December 2020 was read.
Councilman Coles:
A Motion to approve payment of invoices — General Fund $293,574.44
(Vote Approved 5–0)
A Motion to approve payment of invoices — Liquid Fuels Fund $48,988.77
(Vote Approved 5–0)
A Motion to approve payment of invoices — Line Usage Fund $10,525.68
(Vote Approved 5–0)
A Motion to approve payment of invoices — Parks Fund $10,293.10
(Vote Approved 5–0)
A Motion to approve payment of invoices — Recreation Fund $1,339.50
(Vote Approved 5–0)
Large dollar account balances, for the month ending December:
General Fund: $237,410.67
Debt Service Fund: $91,842.80
Line Usage Fund: $66,940.94
Liquid Fuels Fund: $30,430.67
Parks and Recreation Fund: $29,564.99
The floor was open to general public comment. There was one (1) comment submitted in writing, and one (1) comment in-person.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:32pm.