Mayor’s Report
Special Council Meeting, September 28, Actions Taken.
The following actions were taken at the Monessen City Council Special Meeting on September 28, 2020.
The meeting was called to order at 6 pm. This meeting was open to the public.
Roll call was given. All council members were present.
Pledge to the flag.
The floor was open for public comment on agenda items only.
Mayor Matt Shorraw, Public Affairs
Council entered executive session to discuss a personnel issue.
A motion to approve the Line Usage Fund amount of $26,917.30. The amount was to pay WEC, Inc. invoices for August. (Vote Approved 5–0)
A motion to approve Resolution № 14 of 2020 to purchase (20) Motorola Radios for the Police Department from the DEA fund. The total purchase is $60,725.00 under the CoStars Program. Contract No. (4400016317). Annual Payment will be $13,199.60 from the DEA Fund. (Vote Approved 5–0)
Councilwoman Lois Thomas, Department of Streets
A motion to approve the purchase of (10) Water quality inlet filters. (5) will be Flexstorm and (5) will be StormSack Plus. WEC, Inc. will evaluate the performance of each filter. Then the city will purchase and additional (25) filters. The cost is approximately $1,050 per filter x10 =$10,500. The total of (35) filters is required by the MS4 program. (PennDOT inlets.) (Vote Approved 5–0)
Councilman Anthony Orzechoski, Department of Parks and Public Properties
A motion to approve Krise Electric quote of $4,800 to upgrade the wiring and the lighting fixtures in the Library Parking lot. The parking lot has been in an unsafe condition for years. (Vote Approved 5–0)
A Motion to approve Raimondo Restoration Inc. quote for $16,850 to restore the exterior terra cotta walls of the Library. Some of the large terra cotta tiles are loose and unsafe and the remaining tile joined need repaired. (Vote Approved 5–0)
The floor was opened for general public comment.
Meeting adjourned at 8:05 pm.