Mayor’s Report

Matt Shorraw
6 min readMay 13, 2020


Council Meeting, May 12, Actions Taken.

The following actions were taken at the Monessen City Council meeting on May 12, 2020.

The meeting was called to order at 7 pm. This meeting was closed to the public, due to COVID-19 emergency declarations. The public was given the opportunity to submit general public comments or public comments on agenda items via email or phone prior to the meeting.

Roll call was given. All were present. (Councilman Orzechowski and Councilwoman Thomas were present via conference telephone.)

Pledge to the flag.

Minutes were approved for the April 14th meeting and the April 27 Special Meeting.

Proclamation declaring the week of April 19 through April 25 “Love Your Library Week”.
Proclamation declaring May 3, 2020 “Bells Across Pennsylvania” Day.
Letter from Eric J. Manko, Principal of Monessen Middle/High School.
Letter of retirement from Lt. Brian M. Vitale, Police Dept.
Letter of resignation from Marvin Davis, Code Enforcement Dept.

City Treasurer’s Gerald Saksun read his report for the month ending 2020. The report was approved, 5–0.

Some highlights of the report are as follows:

Real Estate taxes collected for April, $1,143,234.41
Tax Distribution:
General fund: $942,144.93
Debt Service Fund: $324,877.56
Parks Fund: $163,575.86
Library Fund: 32,487.75

City Controller Kevin Parker read the Controller’s report for the month ending April 2020. Reconciled balance to bank statement is: $671,346.14

Motion to accept the retirement of Lt. Brian Vitale effective June 22, 2020. A special thanks to Brian for all of his years of dedicated service to the residents of Monessen. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

Motion to accept the resignation of Marvin Davis effective May 15, 2020. A special thanks to Marvin for his dedicated service to all the residents in Monessen. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

Motion to authorize the City Administrator to advertise for the part-time position of Code Officer. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

Motion to authorize the City Administrator to advertise for the City Clerk Position. (Tabled pending job description and salary range.)

Motion to approve all part-time employees to an hourly rate of $9.50 per hour beginning June 1, 2020. Union Approval received. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

Motion to approve a committee of (4) to interview applicants for positions with the city. Lois Thomas, Gerald Saksun, John Harhai, Matt Shorraw. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

Motion to approve a request by Ron Chromulak, Commander, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1190 to attach nameplates to pavilions in City Park. The names are of fallen servicemen. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

Motion to approve repainting the curbs yellow at the following locations due to lack of visibility when a vehicle is trying to enter traffic on: Schoonmaker and Fourth; Schoonmaker and Oneida. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

Motion to approve Resolution 4–2020 of the City Council of the City of Monessen to implement certain property tax relief provisions of Act 15 of 2020 to extend the discount period for real property taxes and to waive any fees or penalties associated with the late payment of real property taxes. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

Motion to approve Resolution 5–2020 of the City of Monessen Authorizing the Housing Consortium Cooperation Agreement with the County of Westmoreland. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

Motion for approval of Ordinance №1–2020 approving collection procedures and adopting interest and schedule of attorney fees and charges to be added to the amount collected as part of unpaid municipal claims for delinquent accounts. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

FIRST READING — Ordinance №2–2020 An Ordinance of the council for the City of Monessen, Westmoreland County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, repealing Ordinance №1–2019 of the City of Monessen. (Vote Approved: 3–2)

FIRST READING — Ordinance №3–2020 Fire and Burning Ordinance — An ordinance providing for and regulating the use of fires and burning by the establishment of specific regulations, exceptions, and definitions; providing for enforcement; prescribing penalties for violation; repealing inconsistent ordinances, and providing for an effective date. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

FIRST READING — Ordinance №4–2020 Downtown Parking Ordinance — An ordinance confirming current on-street parking restrictions, prohibitions, and regulations for portions of Eastgate Avenue, Rebecca Street, Monongahela Street, Parente Boulevard, First Street, Second Street, Third Street, Fourth Street, Fifth Street, Sixth Street, Seventh Street, Eighth Street, Tenth Street, Maronda Way, Donner Avenue, and Schoonmaker Avenue; establishing two-hour parking and eliminating metered parking for portions of Oneida Street, First Street, Second Street, Fifth Street, Sixth Street, Wendell Ramey Lane, Donner Avenue, and Schoonmaker Avenue; confirming current off-street parking restrictions and regulations for various city parking lots; promulgating general parking regulations and restrictions; repealing inconsistent ordinances; and providing for an effective date. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

Motion to Approve Resolution 6–2020 to submit the Monessen 9th Street Park Rehabilitation Phase One, Grant. Application submission for grant funds was submitted to the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR). This is a matching grant for the city. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

The Police Report Was Read:
Total Police Receipts collected for April 2020: $2,646.17
Total Calls for April 2020: 417
Total Arrests for April 2020: 43

An update on the USDA loan to the City of Monessen for the infrastructure of the main sewer lines in the city. The main lines are Twelfth Street, Ninth Street, Sixth Street, Third Street, and Seneca/Parente. The loan amount will be approximately $20M at 1.38% over 30 years. Once the project begins, it will last at least five years. The loan amount is the best estimate based on the current engineering reports. When the project gets into full swing it may or may not vary from the current engineering reports. Our sewer lines are over 100 years old and are failing.

Update on the Equalization (EQ) Tank: The EQ tank will be constructed near the city’s salt shed on Parente Blvd. The Mon Valley Sewage Authority has agreed to engineer, construct, and pay for the tank out of the line usage fees currently paid by the residents. The tank will consist of the following:60' diameter, 35' height, 00,00 gallons, above ground, and it will contain a lid. Financially: Bon estimate is $3M, interest estimate 3% over 30 years. There will be no increase in line usage fees for the residents of Monessen.

Councilwoman Thomas — Department of Streets

Street report was read.

Motion to approve to advertise for a pre-owned street sweeper. The ad will read: Lease to won 2017 or newer model with less than 350 hours and less than 5000 miles. Must have regenerative air, 4 1/2 yard capacity hopper (minimum), 2 side brooms, chassis 215hp, sweeper 74hp, six months warranty (minimum), and be available in 2–3 weeks. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

The sidewalk from Ontario Street to Tyrol Blvd. has been cleared of all weeds grass and dirt. We applaud the public works crew on a wonderful job.

Library Report — No Report
The city paid $32,000 in collected taxes to the library, towards their $50,000 annual allotment.

Redevelopment Authority — The city informed RDA by letter, on April 27, that the RDA will be responsible for maintaining their properties immediately. There are approximately 115 properties, many in the downtown area.

Councilman Orzechowski — Department of Parks and Public Properties

Parks and Recreation Report was read.

Two new tractors were added to our equipment, replacing old equipment in disrepair.

Councilman Gregor — Department of Public Safety

Code Office Report was read.
Code Office Financial Report was read.
Fire Report was read.
EMS report was read.

Two signs have been posted at each end of the walking track at City Park, reminding participants to wear their mask while walking on the track.

Councilman Gil Coles — Department of Accounts and Finances

Motion to approve the transfer of current bills totaling $113,800 to the Payroll and Healthcare accounts. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

Motion to approve the payment of general bills totaling $262,041.98. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

Motion to approve the payment of Parks fund bills, totaling $3,731.90. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

Motion to approve the payment of Civic Center Fund bills, totaling $885.44 (Vote Approved: 5–0)

Motion to approve the payment of Line Usage Fund bills totaling, $221,282.93. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

The following bills for 2019 are still pending:
Police Pension $227,000
Refuse Authority: $138,000
Health Care Insurance $140,000

All other invoices for 2020 have been paid.

Large account balances end of April 2020.
General Fund: $951,000
Liquid Fuels: $305,000
Parks and Recreation: $314,000

One Public Comment Submission was read.

Adjournment — Meeting adjourned at 10:10pm.




Matt Shorraw
Matt Shorraw

Written by Matt Shorraw

29. BS, Music Tech; Attending Harvard Univ. Mayor, City of Monessen PA. Community Organizer. Proud Alpha Chi Rho Brother. Love data, policy, and urban affairs.

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