Mayor’s Report

Matt Shorraw
8 min readMar 10, 2021


Council Meeting, March 9, 2021, Actions Taken.

The following actions were taken at the Monessen City Council meeting on March 9, 2021.

The meeting was called to order at 7 pm.

Roll call was given. All council members were present. (Thomas and Orzechowski via phone.)

Pledge to the flag.

Minutes were approved for the March 9, 2021 meeting.

Mr. Ted Collins addressed the council regarding street lighting and park lighting cost savings.

The floor was opened to public comment on agenda items.


Mayor Shorraw made a presentation on the City’s Finances, which can be read here.

Letter from Ron Chromulak, Vice Chairman of the Monessen War Veterans Memorial Trust.

Letters of Commendation for: Lt. Aaron Thompson, Officer Alan Hritz, Hilltop Fire Chief Mike Castner, Downtown Assistant Fire Chief Chuck Kozar, Downtown Captain Jeremiah Quattro, Downtown Fireman John “Bubba” Palmer, and Downtown Fireman Ryan Hess, for their heroic and life-saving actions at the house fire on State Road on the night of February 28th.

Letter of Commendation for Jerald Dankosky for 50 years’ service to Monessen as a Fireman (March 9, 1971).

Grandview Cemetary Association — Councilman Orzechowski’s remarks regarding false statements against the Association, and in general, his careless statements — were discussed. It was noted that he should be censured; however, no action was taken on a censure.

City of Monessen 2020 Legal Expenses vs. 2019 Legal Expenses. We realized a nearly 50% decrease in legal expenses in 2020, compared to 2019.

Monessen City closed on the Community Bank Property (next door). The City is the owner of the property effective January 29, 2021. Thank you to Community Bank for the donation and years of service to the community.

Notice to the public: Council and the Recreation Board held a joint meeting on Saturday, March 6, at 2 pm to discuss the interpersonal issues between board members, and the direction and fate of the Recreation Board.

The USDA Project, “Farmer’s to Families” was held at the Herman Mihalich Boat Launch on Friday, March 5, 2021. It was a total success. 1100 Boxes of food were distributed to residents of the Mon Valley. The next distribution will be held Friday, March 12, 2021 (9-Noon), or whenever the last box is picked up. Thanks to the many community volunteers in addition to Hilltop Firemen, for their assistance.

PMHIC 2020 Plan Year Cross Share Recovery of $78,172.68. This is the fee that the City must pay for the cancellation of the 3-year Health Care Contract. Last month, Mr. Orzechowski incorrectly reported a figure of over $200,000.

The Cypress trees at City Park entrance have been removed and replaced with pear trees. Donations are being accepted for trees and benches at City Park, 6th Street Park, and 9th Street Park.

The sidewalk opening that appeared at 4th Street and Knox Avenue on Friday, March 5, 2021 will be repaired by the contractor that previously installed the gas line in 2020. There will be no cost to the City.

Ed Lea’s complaint against Reanna Merrit of the Recreation Board. This was addressed at the March 6th meeting with the Recreation Board.

Old Business: None

City Treasurer’s Report was given for the month ending Feb. 2021.

The report was approved, 5–0.

Some highlights of the report are as follows:

Real Estate taxes collected for Feb. 2021, $0
Current Garbage Collected for Feb. 2021, $27,690.85
Delinquent Garbage Collected for Feb. 2021, $12,984.04

Tax Distribution:
General fund: $2,331.81
Debt Service Fund: $800.21
Parks Fund: $400.10
Library Fund: $80.02

Real Estate Transfer Tax Collected for Feb., $5,963.06
Earned Income Tax Collected for Feb., $59,413.32
Mercantile Tax Collected for Feb., $869.13
Local Services Tax Collected for Feb., $11,967.01
Tax Certifications Collected for Feb., $1,320.00
Municipal Lien Letters Collected for Feb., $975.00

City Controller’s report was given for the month ending January 31, 2021. The reconciled balance to the bank statement is $132,454.07.

New Business:

Mayor Shorraw

A Motion to issue a letter of recommendation to Monessen Fire Department Company 81–1 to be delivered to a Tax Assessment Hearing at the Westmoreland County Courthouse, offering the City’s support on Company 81–1 being granted tax exemption on its property located at 1295 Grand Blvd. (Tax Map 20–02–10–0–459). (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A Motion to offer City property tax forgiveness to the Monessen Fire Department Company 81–1 on their property at 1295 Grand Blvd. for the 2021 tax year. (Tax Map 20–02–10–0–459). (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A Motion to remove Wayne Vlasic’s name from the Farmers National Bank signature listing, for the City of Monessen. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A Motion to add the names Rosalie Nicksich, Gerald Saksun, and Gilbert Coles to the Farmer’s National Bank signature listing, for the City of Monessen. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A Motion to approve signing a preventative maintenance service contract with Schindler Elevator Corporation for an annual cost of $4,176.00. This will cover the elevator in the building at 575 Donner Ave. (Vote Approved: 4–1)

A Motion to approve Joseph’s Nursery and Garden Center $13,390, to construct (8) new planter boxes on Donner Avenue. These boxes will replace the current rotted boxes. Cost of the total project to the City is $21,730. Donations received totaled $6,240, from the Orchard Church, Community Bank, and Alumisource. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A Motion to adopt Resolution №7 of 2021, a Resolution of the City of Monessen, Westmoreland County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, resolving and certifying that it will provide the Mid-Mon Valley Transit Authority (MMVTA) with local funds in the amount of $5,179.00 to match state funds provided pursuant to 74 PA C.S. Section 1513 in the Fiscal Year 2021–2022. Furthermore, the City of Monessen resolves and certifies that the required amount of local matching funds will be provided no later than the end of the State Fiscal Year — June 30, 2022. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A Motion to adopt Resolution №8 of 2021, a Resolution of the City of Monessen, Westmoreland County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, authorizing the execution of agreements regarding the Mid-Mon Valley Transit Authority Bus Shelter Project in the City of Monessen.
(Vote Approved: 5–0)

A Motion to adopt Resolution №9 of 2021, a Resolution of the City of Monessen, Westmoreland County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, authorizing a grant application to be submitted to the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development for the Keystone Community Grant Program, to establish a Downtown Monessen Business Facade Grant Program. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A Motion to conduct the First Reading of Ordinance №1232, an Ordinance of the City of Monessen, Westmoreland County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, establishing a youth and young citizens board by and for the City of Monessen; providing definitions; establishing a board purpose, duties, qualifications, requirements, and procedures; establishing long term goals; and providing for an effective date. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A Motion to conduct the First Reading of Ordinance №1233, an Ordinance of the City of Monessen, Westmoreland County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, amending Ordinance 15 of 1971 (Ordinance 708); amending Ordinance 3 of 2018 (Ordinance 1207); establishing duties, procedures, and a purpose for a Recreation Board by and for the City of Monessen; providing terms; regulating membership; repealing inconsistent ordinances; and providing for an effective date. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A Motion to appoint Mary Jo Smith as an at-large community member to the Monessen Blighted Property Review Board. The staggered terms will be determined by the appointee drawing a number at random.
(Vote Approved: 5–0)

A Motion to appoint Frank Lopresti as an at-large community member to the Monessen Blighted Property Review Board. The staggered terms will be determined by the appointee drawing a number at random.
(Vote Approved: 5–0)

A Motion to appoint Marc Bellora as the Planning Commission Representative to the Monessen Blighted Property Review Board. The staggered terms will be determined by the appointee drawing a number at random.
(Vote Approved: 5–0)

A Motion to appoint Councilman Don Gregor as the City Council Representative to the Monessen Blighted Property Review Board. The staggered terms will be determined by the appointee drawing a number at random. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A Motion to appoint John Harhai as the Executive Branch of City Government representative to the Monessen Blighted Property Review Board. The staggered terms will be determined by the appointee drawing a number at random. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A Motion to appoint Michael Kelly as the Redevelopment Authority Representative to the Monessen Blighted Property Review Board. The staggered terms will be determined by the appointee drawing a number at random. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A Motion to appoint Darla Holmes to the Monessen Human Relations Commission effective March 9, 2021. The staggered terms will be determined by the appointee drawing a number at random. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A Motion to appoint Alan Duncan Sr. to the Monessen Human Relations Commission effective March 9, 2021. The staggered terms will be determined by the appointee drawing a number at random. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A Motion to appoint Matthew Kowasic to the Monessen Human Relations Commission effective March 9, 2021. The staggered terms will be determined by the appointee drawing a number at random. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A Motion to appoint Courtney Moran to the Monessen Human Relations Commission effective March 9, 2021. The staggered terms will be determined by the appointee drawing a number at random. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A Motion to appoint Julian Naphier to the Monessen Human Relations Commission effective March 9, 2021. The staggered terms will be determined by the appointee drawing a number at random. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

The Police Report for the month ending February 2021 was read.

Councilwoman Thomas:

The Street Report for the month ending February 2021 was read.

The Library Board Report for the month ending February 2021 was read.

The Redevelopment Authority Report for the month ending February 2021 was read.

Councilman Orzechowski:

The Parks Report for the month ending February 2021 was read.

Councilman Gregor:

The Code Enforcement Office Financial Report for the month ending February 2021 was read.

The Code Enforcement Activity Report for the month ending February 2021 was read.

The Mon Valley EMS Report for the month ending February 2021 was read.

The Fire Department Report for the month ending February 2021 was read.

The Recreation Board Report for the month ending February 2021 was read.

Councilman Coles:

A Motion to approve payment of invoices — General Fund: $280,238.14
(Vote Approved: 5–0)

A Motion to approve payment of invoices — Liquid Fuels Fund: $110,318.29
(Vote Approved: 5–0)

A Motion to approve payment of invoices — Line Usage Fund: $43,676.50
(Vote Approved: 5–0)

A Motion to approve payment of invoices — Parks and Rec Fund: $781.06
(Vote Approved: 5–0)

Large Dollar Account Balances, for the month ending February:

General Fund: $166,426.48
Line Usage Fund: $83,594.67
Healthcare Fund: $12,991.68
Parks and Recreation Fund: $12,695.04
Debt Service Fund: $12,454.15

The floor was opened to public comment.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:07pm.




Matt Shorraw
Matt Shorraw

Written by Matt Shorraw

29. BS, Music Tech; Attending Harvard Univ. Mayor, City of Monessen PA. Community Organizer. Proud Alpha Chi Rho Brother. Love data, policy, and urban affairs.

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