Mayor’s Report

Matt Shorraw
6 min readNov 17, 2020


Council Meeting, November 10, 2020, Actions Taken.

The following actions were taken at the Monessen City Council meeting on November 10, 2020.

The meeting was called to order at 7 pm. This meeting was open to the public.

Roll call was given. All council members were present.

Pledge to the flag.

Minutes were approved for the October 13, 2020 meeting.

The floor was opened to public comment on agenda items.

A letter from the local American Red Cross to all elected officials.
Mid Mon Valley Turkey Drive, Saturday, November 21, 2020, 11–2, City Hall.
Monessen’s First Trap, Neuter, Release (TNR) Project, November 30.
City of Monessen Solicitor Expense Comparison Chart (2020 versus 2019). — — The Chart shows a decrease of 56.3% in expenses from 2019 to 2020.

Solicitor (Legal) Expenses, Jan. 1-Nov. 9, 2019: $54,194.21
Solicitor (Legal) Expenses, Jan. 1-Nov. 9, 2020: $23,660.00

Monessen Major Fund Balance Comparisons through October 2020 versus 2019. There was an increase in revenue of 53.5% in major fund accounts in 2020 compared to 2019.

The chart shows the following balances for the city’s large accounts:

General Fund: Oct. 2019: $146,370.04 vs. Oct. 2020: $512,275.47
Debt Service Fund: Oct. 2019: $189,250.20 vs. Oct. 2020: $454,605.17
Line Usage Fund: Oct. 2019: $116,703.55 vs. Oct. 2020: $61,339.94
Liquid Fuels Oct. 2019: $98,530.78 vs. Oct. 2020: $69,125.03
Parks and Rec. Fund: Oct. 2019 $221,609.39 vs. Oct. 2020: $88,705.77
Total: Oct. 2019: $772,463.96 vs. Oct. 2020: $1,186,051.38 (53.5% increase)

There was no Old Business.

City Treasurer’s Report was given for the month ending Oct. 2020.

The report was approved, 5–0.

Some highlights of the report are as follows:

Real Estate taxes collected for Oct., $11,556.42 (YTD: $2,017,833.44)
Tax Distribution:
General fund: $1,426,843.46
Debt Service Fund: $492,281.16
Parks Fund: $247,863.58
Library Fund: $50,000.00

Real Estate Transfer Tax Collected for Oct., $6,767.49 (YTD: $164,501.43)
Earned Income Tax Collected for Oct., $19,560.17 (YTD: $490,079.63)
Mercantile Tax Collected for Oct., $1,185.83 (YTD: $24,146.39)
Local Services Tax Collected for Oct., $2,930.04 (YTD: $60,899.72)
Tax Certifications Collected for Oct., $2,260.00 (YTD: $20,120.00)
Municipal Lien Letters Collected for Oct, $1,950.00 (YTD: $14,625.00)

City Controller’s report was given for the month ending October 31, 2020. The reconciled balance to the bank statement is $479,752.17

New Business:

Mayor Shorraw

A Motion to approve a fifteen-foot alley located parallel to Alexander Avenue and Lookout Avenue, from Lockview Street to its northern terminus, the honorary name, “Muzar Alley” and to purchase a sign stating such. (Vote Approved 5–0)

A motion to approve Articles of Agreement by and Between the City of Monessen and WEC, INC. for the Sewer Rehabilitation Project — Phase 4 —9th Street, Delaware Avenue, and Shawnee Park. (Vote Approved 5–0)

A Motion to approve Articles of Agreement by and between the City of Monessen and WEC, INC. for the 2020 CDBG Roadway Rehabilitation Project — Reconstruction of Euclid Drive from Grand Boulevard to Crest Drive. (Vote Approved 5–0)

A Motion to approve Resolution №21 of 2020 declaring the intent of the City of Monessen to follow the schedules and procedures for disposition of records as set forth in the Municipal Records Manual approved on December 16, 2008 (as amended July 23, 2009, March 28, 2019). (Vote Approved 5–0)

A Motion to approve Resolution №22 of 2020 declaring the intent of the City of Monessen to dispose of certain Municipal Records in conformity with prior City resolutions and the Municipal Records Manual. (Vote Approved 5–0)

A Motion to conduct the first reading of Ordinance №14 of 2020, An Ordinance of the City of Monessen, Westmoreland County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, establishing certain rules and regulations regarding the prohibition of discrimination in housing, commercial property, employment, and public accommodations based upon race, color, religious creed, ancestry, age, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, genetic information, handicap or disability, use of a guide or support animals because the user is a handler or trainer of support or guide animals; provide for the creation of the City of Monessen Human Relations Commission; providing definitions; providing for an effective date. (Motion TABLED: 5–0)

A Motion to conduct the first reading of Ordinance №15–2020, An Ordinance of the City of Monessen, Westmoreland County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, establishing and implementing a program to charge user fees for the deployment of certain public safety services rendered by the Monessen Bureau of Fire and Monessen Fire Department Companies 81–1 and 81–2 for the City of Monessen; and providing for an effective date. (Vote Approved 5–0)

A Motion to accept a donation of two (2) vacant properties to the City of Monessen from Doreen and Darlene, daughters of Matthew Canestrale. The properties are located on Moffat Street, across from Shawnee Park and along Soccer Field Road). Tax Map Nos. 20–02–08–0–382 and 20–02–08–0–384.(Vote Approved 5–0)

A Motion to approve the exoneration for taxes owed to the City in the amount of $140.10. Tax Map Nos. 20–02–08–0–382 and 20–02–08–0–384. (Vote Approved 5–0)

A Motion to approve the exoneration of City taxes in the amount of $5,525.73. Tax Map Number 20–02–03–0–023. Location: 541 Donner Avenue, and to approve a development agreement for the rehabilitation of the existing building. (Vote Approved 5–0)

A Motion to approve the exoneration of City taxes in the amount of $4,136.42. Tax Map Number 20–02–03–0–105. Location 361 Schoonmaker Avenue, and to approve a development agreement for the rehabilitation of the existing building. (Vote Approved 5–0)

A Motion to transfer the following properties, from the City of Monessen to the Monessen Redevelopment Authority, for sale to:

H&L Properties
447 Donner Ave.
Monessen, PA 15062

Tax Map: 20–02–08–0–219
305 Delaware Street (rehabilitation of existing house).
Tax Map: 20–02–08–0–181
420 Delaware Street (rehabilitation of existing house).

(Vote Approved 5–0)

A Motion to transfer the following property, from the City of Monessen to the Monessen Redevelopment Authority, for sale to:

Latayah Tom
1240 Highland Avenue
Monessen, PA 15062

Tax Map: 20–02–06–0–021
1238 Highland Avenue (vacant lot)
Monessen, PA 15062

(Vote Approved 5–0)

Motion to approve Julian Naphier for a part-time Prisoner Watch position, as approved by the Chief of Police. (Vote Approved 5–0)

Police Report for the month ending October 2020 was read.

Councilwoman Thomas:

Street Report for the month ending October 2020 was read.

Redevelopment Authority — No Report

Library Board Report for the month ending October 2020 was read.

Councilman Orzechowski

Parks Report for the month ending October 2020 was read.

Six new LED energy-saving lighting fixtures were installed at the Monessen Public Library parking lot. Safety is no longer compromised. The City’s electrician, Kevin Krise saved the City $1,500 from the original quote. Thanks, Kevin!

Two new steel doors and frames were installed at City Park Ball Field Concession Stand. The doors were rusted and someone rammed the doors trying to gain access.

Shawnee Park Ballfield — Additional Fencing was installed this month, to eliminate quads from continually entering and destroying the playing field.

Councilman Gregor:

Code Enforcement Office Financial Report for the month ending October 2020 was read.

Code Enforcement Activity Report for the month ending October 2020 was read.

Mon Valley EMS Report for the month ending October 2020 was read.

Fire Department Report for the month ending October 2020 was read.

Councilman Coles:

A Motion to approve payment of invoices — General Fund $295,679.99
(Vote Approved 5–0)

A Motion to approve payment of invoices — Line Usage Fund $16,014.36
(Vote Approved 5–0)

A Motion to approve payment of invoices — Parks Fund $2,940.77
(Vote Approved 5–0)

A Motion to approve payment of invoices — Liquid Fuels $13,378.47
(Vote Approved 5–0)

A Motion to approve payment of invoices — Recreation $426.01
(Vote Approved 5–0)

All 2020 invoices due for payment are current.
Some 2019 unpaid invoices are outstanding.

Large dollar account balances for the month ending October 2020:

General Fund: $512,275.47
Debt Service Fund: $454,605.17
Parks and Rec Fund: $88,705.77
Liquid Fuels Fund: $69,125.03
Line Usage Fund: $61,339.94

The floor was opened for public comment.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:20 pm.




Matt Shorraw
Matt Shorraw

Written by Matt Shorraw

29. BS, Music Tech; Attending Harvard Univ. Mayor, City of Monessen PA. Community Organizer. Proud Alpha Chi Rho Brother. Love data, policy, and urban affairs.

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