Mayor’s Report

Matt Shorraw
7 min readSep 17, 2020


Council Meeting, September 15, Actions Taken.

The following actions were taken at the Monessen City Council meeting on September 15, 2020.

The meeting was called to order at 7 pm. This meeting was open to the public.

Roll call was given. All council members were present.

Pledge to the flag.

Minutes were approved for the August 11, 2020 meeting.

The floor was open for public comment on agenda items only.


Monessen will hold a “Recycling Drop-Off Event, and City-Wide Clean-Up Day” on Saturday, September 19, 2020 between 8 am and Noon. All items are to be dropped off at the City Garage on Parente Blvd.

A proclamation, on the occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the Passage of the 19th Amendment.

A proclamation on the occasion of the 122nd Anniversary of the Founding of the City of Monessen.

The Mayor’s Mid-Year State of the City Address was read.

There was no Old Business.

City Treasurer’s Report was given for the month ending July 2020.

The report was approved, 5–0.

Some highlights of the report are as follows:

Real Estate taxes collected for August, $82,051.35 (YTD: $1,985,709.98)
Tax Distribution:
General fund: $1,338,171.49
Debt Service Fund: $462,723.83
Parks Fund: $232,981.47
Library Fund: $50,000.00

Real Estate Transfer Tax Collected for August, $7,321.21 (YTD: $151,160.97)
Earned Income Tax Collected for August, $64,559.51 (YTD: $423,311.14)
Mercantile Tax Collected for August, $1,314.26 (YTD: $22,090.53)
Local Services Tax Collected for August, $13,586.29 (YTD: $57,428.94)
Tax Certifications Collected for August, $2,260.00 (YTD: $14,840.00)
Municipal Lien Letters Collected for August, $1,575.00 (YTD: $11,025.00)

City Controller’s report was given for the month ending August 31, 2020. Reconciled balance to bank statement is $772,799.12

Mayor Matt Shorraw

A motion to approve the use of 9th Street Park, for a UFL Outdoor Boxing Match event in November, upon receipt of deposit and applicable waivers. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A motion to adopt Executive Order 11625, City of Monessen, PA, A Statement of goals in compliance with the National Program for Minority and Women Business Enterprises. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A motion to adopt a COVID-19 policy for City of Monessen employees. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A motion to accept the award letter from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), September 4, 2020, and to authorize and direct City officials and employees to take such steps as may be necessary to work with USDA in developing necessary documents for furth approval by USDA and City Council, and to approve the Engineering Professional Services Agreement, Agency Concurrences Approval, and Certificate for Engineering Services, subject to review, approval, and finalization by the City Solicitor, and USDA/RUS; and to authorize and direct the Mayor and City Administrator to execute such documents on behalf of the City, conditioned upon such review, approval, and finalization. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A motion to approve a “Writ of Execution” by Portnoff Law Associates. Portnoff is asking whether Council would want the City to be able to pursue legal proceedings to force the sale of someone’s property who has a substantial unpaid balance of $585.00 or more and hasn’t made payment arrangements. This may incentivize some residents to pay their garbage fees. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A motion to approve mailings of the Mid-Year State of the City Address and the City Quarterly Newsletter. (Vote Approved: 3–2)

A motion to approve Resolution №11–2020, City of Monessen Hiring and Board, Authority, and Commission Appointment Procedures. “A Resolution of the City of Monessen, Westmoreland County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Establishing Certain Rules and Procedures for Potential New Hires; Establishing Certain Rules and Procedures for Potential Appointees to All City Boards, Authorities, and Commissions; and Providing for an Effective Date.” (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A motion to approve Resolution №12–2020, A Fair Housing Resolution. Let it be known to all persons of the City of Monessen that discrimination in the sale, rental, leasing, financing of housing or land to be used for the construction of housing, or in the provision of brokerage services because of race, color, sex, national origin, religion, familial status (families with children), or handicap (disability) is prohibited by Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (Federal Fair Housing Act) and the Pennsylvania Human Rights Act. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A motion to approve Resolution №13–2020, A Resolution of the City of Monessen, to accept and authorize the implementation of the 2021 Minimum Municipal Obligation (MMO) for City Pension Plans. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A motion to approve Resolution №14–2020, A Resolution of the City of Monessen approving and authorizing the submission of a budget revision to the FY 2018 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program year. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A motion to approve Ordinance №8–2020, an Ordinance of the City of Monessen amending Ordinance 6–2016, to Include Boring or Disturbance Beneath Any Street or Public Alleyway; Repealing Inconsistent Ordinances; Providing for an Effective Date. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A motion to conduct the first reading of Ordinance №9–2020, an Ordinance of the City of Monessen, Westmoreland County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, establishing Compensation on a per-meeting basis; repealing Ordinance №1–2019 of the City of Monessen. (Vote Approved: 4–1)

A motion to approve Ordinance №10–2020, and Ordinance of the City of Monessen, Westmoreland County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, amending certain sections of the City Code by requiring all purchases of any building, property, or structure within the City of Monessen known to have one or more City Code violation(s) to bring that building, property, structure, or code into compliance with the City Code within 12 months of the date of purchase in accordance with PA Act 133–2016; authorizing the issuance of temporary access certificates, temporary use, and occupancy certificates, in accordance PA Act 133–2016; authorizing the imposition of penalties for failure to do so, while preserving all remedies to the recovery, prevention, abatement or restraint of code violations under other statutes and ordinances, and providing for an effective date. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A motion to approve the first reading of Ordinance №11–2020, an Ordinance of the City of Monessen, Westmoreland County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, establishing requirements for the registration of vacant, abandoned, and foreclosed real property within the City of Monessen; providing for regulations and enforcement; assessing fees, violations, and penalties; and establishing a blight fund. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A motion to approve the first reading of Ordinance №12–2020, an Ordinance of the City of Monessen, Westmoreland County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, providing for the creation of an Environmental Advisory Board in and for the City of Monessen; establishing authority and purpose; repealing inconsistent ordinances; providing for an effective date. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A motion to approve one handicap parking space at 1012 Leeds Avenue. Chief Smith has approved the parking space. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

The police report for the month ending August 2020 was read.

Councilwoman Thomas

The Street report for the month of August was read.
The Redevelopment Authority report for the month of August was read.
The Library Board report for the month of August was read.

Councilman Orzechowski

The Parks and Recreation report for the month of August was read.

Work is in progress to replace the existing lighting with new energy-saving LED lighting, for the library parking lot. Completion in three weeks.

Work will begin shortly to have the Library building panels repointed. This has become an emergency since a few panels are failing.

A motion to approve Monessen Community Development Corp. (MCDC) to use Monessen City Park for a “Drive-Thru Trunk or Treat” on Saturday, October 31, 2020 from 2–4pm, upon receipt of applicable waivers. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A motion to approve the Monessen/Rostraver Rotary to use the Herman Mihalich River Launch Park for a Food Truck Festival for a date to be determined in Mid-October, upon receipt of deposit and applicable waivers. Food will be to-go only. Masks and social distancing enforced. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A motion to approve two orders: PO’s 584 and 589.
New Gangway replacement: $8,445.00
Fishing Dock Replacement: $8,884.95
(Vote Approved: 5–0)

Councilman Gregor

Code Enforcement Office Financial Report was read for August 2020.
Code Enforcement Activity Report was read for August 2020.
Fire Department Report was read for August 2020.

A Motion to approve the replacement of damaged equipment sustained because the Hilltop Station 81–2 rood was neglected, in the past 5–6 years. Total charges not to exceed $18,500.00. The insurance company refused the claim due to neglect. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A motion to approve the elevation of Todd Carter to a full-time Code Enforcement Officer at $40,000 per year plus benefits. He has 22 years of experience and certifications to warrant the position and salary. We must be more proactive and aggressive code enforcement. Also, it is directly in line with the Comprehensive Plan 2030. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

Councilman Coles

A motion to approve adding MuniciPay for municipalities to our current vendor MuniLink. This addition will eliminate all credit card fees the city has been absorbing. The year to date fees absorbed by the City is $19,862.69. The City will pay a one-time charge of $185.00 for a card reader. All other credit card fees, as listed, are the responsibility of the credit cardholder. (2.50% or $1.50 minimum for credit cards, and $1.50 flat rate for E-checks.) Municipay will supply the City with a daily report by customer, of all activities to the City’s account. This change will save the City costs, as well as man-hours on the phone, which relates to savings for the City. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A motion to approve the replacement of the old xerox model with a new updated xerox model. Xerox canceled the existing lease with 17 months remaining. The total charge over the new leased agreement is $17,172.60. Xerox Covid-19 Relief Plan — 63-month lease: first three months — no charge; second three months — half monthly charge. Total savings = $2,014.50 in addition to a new Xerox printer. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A motion to approve payment of invoices from General Fund $224,411.76 (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A motion to approve payment of invoices from Line Usage $26,917.30. (Vote Tabled)

A motion of invoices from Recreation Fund $520.93. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

All 2020 invoices, due for payment, are current.

Large dollar account balances end of August:
General Fund: $737,429.27
Debt Service: $409,362.55
Parks and Recreation: $153,504.92
Liquid Fuels: $101,524.49

Opened the floor to public comment.

Meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm.




Matt Shorraw
Matt Shorraw

Written by Matt Shorraw

29. BS, Music Tech; Attending Harvard Univ. Mayor, City of Monessen PA. Community Organizer. Proud Alpha Chi Rho Brother. Love data, policy, and urban affairs.

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