Mayor’s Report

Matt Shorraw
5 min readJul 15, 2020


Council Meeting, July 14, Actions Taken.

The following actions were taken at the Monessen City Council meeting on July 14, 2020.

The meeting was called to order at 7 pm. This meeting was open to the public.

Roll call was given. All council members were present. (Councilwoman Thomas was on the phone.)

Pledge to the flag.

Minutes were approved for the June 9, 2020 meeting and July 2, 2020, special meeting.

The floor was opened to public comment on agenda items only.

A proclamation was given on the occasion of Juneteenth on June 19, 2020
A proclamation was given on the Occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the Negro Leagues and Josh Gibson’s homerun at Page Park in Monessen.

We publicly thanked the organizers for the Unity Cookout at 9th Street Park.
We publicly thanked the Public Works Dept. for preparing the pavilion at the river launch for a picnic held for graduating seniors.

We received a letter from the Westmoreland County Board of Commissioners regarding COVID19 related funding for small businesses.

The 1998 GMC Truck Previously used by the Code Enforcement Department was sold for $611.00.

Council discussed adopting a policy to cover COVID19 related incidents with employees. The policy will be discussed with the union before a motion is presented for adoption.

The City has received 7 applications for the Police Accountability Board. Council will interview the applicants in a couple of weeks. Appointments will be made at the August 11th meeting.

The City has received 2 applications for the Library Board. Council will interview applicants next week. Appointment will be made at the August 11th council meeting.

Old Business:

The City has received 72 resumés for the City Clerk position, as of June 14, 2020. Today was the final day to accept a resumé.

City Treasurer’s Report was given for the month ending June 2020.

The report was approved, 5–0.

Some highlights of the report are as follows:

Real Estate taxes collected for May, $93,430.99
Tax Distribution:
General fund: $1,248,847.44
Debt Service Fund: $430,637.05
Parks Fund: $216,825.77
Library Fund: $43,063.69

Mayor Shorraw read the Controller’s report for the month ending June 2020. Reconciled balance to bank statement is: $702,335.60

A motion was made to hire Brandon Heinzelman as a full-time police officer. He has successfully completed his testing and interview process. This comes at the recommendation of Chief Smith.

Follow is the certified list of Officers who are eligible for promotion as prepared by the Civil Service Commission and recommended by the Police Chief:

Lt. David Yuhasz from Lieutenant to the rank of Captain.
Officer Aaron Thompson from Patrol Officer to the rank of Lieutenant.

These promotions will be discussed and voted on at the August meeting.

A motion was made to advertise for a civil service rest for full-time police officers. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A motion was made to accept the resignation of City Controller, Kevin Parker, effective July 1, 2020. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A motion was made to advertise for a new City Controller to replace Kevin Park. The annual salary is $2,800 a year. Must be bonded and sign an affidavit of residency. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

Motion to approve five properties to be offered for demotion, through CDBG funds. These properties will complete the previous years’ listing of properties:
683 Reed Ave.
1017 Knox Ave.
900 Knox Ave.
1212 Walnut St.
20 Terrace Ave.

Council will begin to establish a new list of properties for the next demolition round.(Vote Approved: 5–0)

A motion was made to approve the exoneration of taxes for three properties that are owned by the City:

18 Elm Street — $9,467.00
Summit Ave. (lot) — $1,015.58
Summit Ave. (lot) — $1,978.61

(Vote Approved: 5–0)

A motion was made to approve a handicap parking space for Mrs. Dorothy Wheeler at 487 Reed Ave. Approved by the Chief of Police. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A motion was made to approve a handicap parking space for Hope Magone at 21 Washington Drive. Approved by the Chief of Police. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A motion was made to approve and adopt the final reading of the Fireworks Ordinance №5–2020. An ordinance establishing the procedure and providing for the promulgation of regulations for the City’s issuance of licenses and permits for displays of consumer and display fireworks within the City, including a bond requirement; promulgating certain restrictions regarding fireworks displays and use; providing for penalties for the violation thereof; repealing inconsistent ordinances, and providing for an effective date. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A motion was made to approve the first reading of an ordinance of the City of Monessen, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, amending Ordinance №5–2018, to make the failure to trim trees and vegetation affecting public rights-of-way a quality of life violation; repealing inconsistent ordinances, and providing an effective date. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A motion was made to approve the first reading of Ordinance №6–2020 confirming current on-street parking restrictions, prohibitions, and regulations for portions of Fourth Street; repealing inconsistent ordinances; and providing for an effective date. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A motion was made to approve the Commercial Insurance Proposal, July 1, 2020 to July 1, 2021 ($233,053.00 2019–2020 budget) vs. ($168,977.00 2020–2021 budget). A savings of $64,076.00 (A Majority of the savings is in the Workers Compensation Insurance).

The Police Report was read for the Month of June 2020.

The Street Department report was read for the Month of June 2020.

The Parks and Recreation Report was read for the Month of June 2020.

The Code Enforcement Office Financial Report was read for the Month of June 2020.

The Code Enforcement Activity Report was read for the Month of June 2020.

The Fire Department Report was read for the Month of June 2020.

There was no EMS report.

Fire Station №2 (Hilltop) received a new flat roof installation. We will now have to address the interior damages, from the prolonged roof leak (6 years), with our insurance company.

A motion was made to approve the transfer of funds from the General Fund to the Payroll and Healthcare Funds: $115,000. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A motion was made to approve payment of invoices from General Fund, $427,779.04.(Vote Approved: 3–1 (one abstention)

A motion was made to approve payment of invoices for Parks, $2,739.50. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A motion was made to approve payment of invoices for Recreation $445.58. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A motion was made to approve payment of invoices for Line Usage, $73,671.00. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

All invoices due for payment in 2020 are current.

Large account balances as of the end of June:

General Fund: $761,420.00
Liquid Fuels: $234,834.00
Parks and Recreation: $224,593.00

Note: Legal expenses from Jan-June: $16,000.00
Budgeted amount for 2020: $82,000. 39% under-budget year to date.

We opened the floor to public comment. Two residents spoke.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 pm.




Matt Shorraw
Matt Shorraw

Written by Matt Shorraw

29. BS, Music Tech; Attending Harvard Univ. Mayor, City of Monessen PA. Community Organizer. Proud Alpha Chi Rho Brother. Love data, policy, and urban affairs.

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