Mayor’s Report

Matt Shorraw
7 min readOct 22, 2021


Council Meeting, September 14, 2021, Actions Taken.

The following actions were taken at the Monessen City Council meeting on September 14, 2021.

The meeting was called to order at 7 pm.

Roll call was given. All council members were present.

Pledge to the flag.

Minutes were approved for the August 10, 2021 meeting and the August 27, 2021 Special Meeting.

The floor was opened to Public Comments on Agenda Items.


Reminder for all residents, you must place your trash cans out the night before their scheduled pick-up day.

A second reminder for all residents, Monessen is an Act 101 Community and recycling is required under this Act.

Monessen Planning Commission minutes for July 15, 2021 meeting.

Monessen Recreation Board minutes for the July 26, 2021 meeting.

Westmoreland Cleanways Recycling Center has announced they will hold a Household Hazardous Waste Collection on Saturday, October 23, 2021, from 9–1.

City Hall operations will move across the Plaza on Friday, September 17. The office will be closed to accomplish the move.

Residents voiced concerns regarding unruly children at South 14th Street and Reservoir Avenue.

Old Business: N/A

City Treasurer’s Report was given for the month ending Aug 2021

The report was approved, 5–0.

Some highlights of the report are as follows:

Real Estate taxes collected for Aug 2021, $41,020.38
Current Garbage Collected for Aug 2021, $2,670.00
Delinquent Garbage Collected for Aug 2021, $1,718.92
Delinquent Garbage Collected for Aug 2021 by Portnoff, $1,338.92

Tax Distribution:
General fund: $1,395,005.34
Debt Service Fund: $478,725.24
Parks Fund: $239,362.62
Library Fund: $47,872.53

1 mill = $58,430.63

Real Estate Transfer Tax Collected for Aug, $3,545.07
Earned Income Tax Collected for Aug, $55,798.89
Mercantile Tax Collected for Aug, $293.56
Local Services Tax Collected for Aug, $10,351.06
Tax Certifications Collected for Aug, $2,170.00
Municipal Lien Letters Collected for Aug, $1,950.00

City Controller’s report was given for the month ending Aug 30, 2021. The reconciled balance to the bank statement is $37,208.28.

New Business:

Mayor Shorraw:

A Motion to rescind and vacate the improper appointment of Donald Byron to the City of Monessen Redevelopment Authority, in accordance with Resolution №25 of 2021. (Vote Approved: 3–2)

A Motion to rescind and vacate the improper appointment of Louis Mavrakis to the City of Monessen Redevelopment Authority, in accordance with Resolution №25 of 2021. (Vote Approved: 3–2)

A Motion to appoint Ted Harhai, a resident of the City of Monessen, to the City of Monessen Redevelopment Authority, in accordance with Resolution №25 of 2021. (Vote Approved: 3–2)

A Motion to appoint Mark Galper, a resident of the City of Monessen, to the City of Monessen Redevelopment Authority, in accordance with Resolution №25 of 2021. (Vote Approved: 3–2)

In accordance with the foregoing motions, a Motion to adopt and approve Resolution №25 of 2021, a Resolution of the City of Monessen, Westmoreland County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, rescinding certain unauthorized and improper City of Monessen Redevelopment Authority Board Appointments and Properly appointing two members to the City of Monessen Redevelopment Authority Board pursuant to the Urban Redevelopment Law. (Vote Approved: 3–2)

A Motion to authorize the Mayor and Council to send a letter to the City of Monessen Redevelopment Authority, notifying the Board of Resolution №25 of 2021. (Vote Approved: 3–2)

A Motion to authorize special counsel, Gaitens, Tucceri, and Nicholas, P.C., to enforce, if necessary, Resolution №25 of 2021 by filing an action in the Couty of Common Pleas of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
(Vote Approved: 3–2)

A Motion to approve Resolution №24 of 2021, a Resolution of the City of Monessen, Westmoreland County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, approving the program modifications to the FY 2019 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A Motion to approve Resolution №26 of 2021, a Resolution of the City of Monessen, Westmoreland County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, approving a budget revision to the FY 2020 CDBG-CV Program.
(Vote Approved: 5–0)

A Motion to approve the final reading and adopt Ordinance №1245, an Ordinance of the City of Monessen, Westmoreland County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, amending Chapter 175 of the codified ordinances of the City of Monessen, as related to curfew; and providing for an effective date.
(Vote Approved: 5–0)

A Motion to approve the final reading and adopt Ordinance №1246, an Ordinance of the City of Monessen, Westmoreland County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, ratifying the establishment of a Police Accountability and Internal Affairs Board by and for the City of Monessen; ratifying the appointment of its members; establishing a Police Accountability and Internal Affairs policy; establishing a process for internal affairs investigations; establishing an accountability review process; establishing a formal complaint procedure; establishing an investigation procedure; and providing for an effective date. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A Motion to approve the final reading and adopt Ordinance №1247, an Ordinance of the City of Monessen, Westmoreland County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to adopt a Municipal Stormwater Management Plan by and for the City of Monessen. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A Motion to approve the final reading and adopt Ordinance №1248, an Ordinance of the City of Monessen, Westmoreland County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, directing the City Treasurer to no longer accept partial payments for property taxes, garbage fees, and any other miscellaneous payments owed to the City, due to requirements under Pennsylvania Local Tax Collection Law being unmet, and due to recommendations from the City Auditors; and providing for an effective date. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A Motion to approve first reading of Ordinance №1249, an Ordinance of the City of Monessen, Westmoreland County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, defining public nuisances for structures and properties; providing for the reporting and investigation of public nuisances; providing for summary abatement and abatement by prior notice of public nuisance; providing for statements of cost, administrative fees, and civil penalties for abatement of public abatement nuisances; enabling liens and establishing owner personal liability; providing for notice and appeal of public nuisance actions and statements of cost; repealing all inconsistent ordinances; and providing for an effective date. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A Motion to approve first reading of Ordinance №1250, an Ordinance of the City of Monessen, Westmoreland County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, adopting provisions of the Neighborhood Blight Reclamation and Revitalization Act 90 of 2010; providing for permit denial and asset attachment; and providing for an effective date. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A Motion to approve first reading of Ordinance №1251, an Ordinance of the City of Monessen, Westmoreland County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, amending Chapter 172 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Monessen, pertaining to the Uniform Construction Code; establishing procedures for accepting, processing, and deliberating on such appeals; and providing for an effective date. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A Motion to rescind an approval given at the August 10, 2021 council meeting for a Quitclaim deed by and between the City of Monessen and the City of Monessen Redevelopment Authority. Tax Map Nos. 20–02–08–0–382 and 20–02–08–0–384. The City needs to control the properties for the USDA stormwater project. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A Motion to approve a Handicap Parking Space in front of 17 Linden Avenue. Police have approved. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A Motion to make K2 Engineering the City’s Zoning Officer on a temporary basis, until a full-time Code Enforcement Officer is found.
(Vote Approved: 5–0)

A Motion to accept the resignation of Jean Aiello from the Environmental Advisory Board. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A Motion to accept the resignation of Jean Aiello from the Shade Tree Commission. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A Motion to approve advertising the two vacant positions on the Shade Tree Commission and the Environmental Advisory Board. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A Motion to advertise fo RFPs for Animal Control Officer. The current contract expires this year. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A Motion for the forgiveness of taxes $3,006.48 to the City of Monessen. Tax Map No: 20–02–07–0–513, 422 Second Street. Copy of Deed and a signed development agreement have been submitted. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A Motion for the forgiveness of taxes $368.85 to the City of Monessen. Tax Map No: 20–02–07–0–521, 119 Knox Avenue. Copy of Deed and a signed development agreement have been submitted. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A Motion to set the 2021 City-Wide Monessen Trick or Treat to Saturday, October 30, 2021 from 1 to 3 pm. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A Motion to approve a request to use the City Park Walking Track on Saturday, October 30, 2021 from 4–6pm for Trunk or Treat. In case of inclement weather, the event will be held at the upper parking lot of City Park. Sponsors: Monessen Amphitheater Committee, Monessen Community Development Corp., Monessen Recreation Board. (Vote Approved: 5–0)

A Motion to approve a request of Alec “Ricky” Dick to hold the City’s Annual Halloween Parade on Thursday, October 21, 2021 at 7pm in Downtown Monessen. Parade Lineup is at 6:30 pm (Eastgate — Wendell Ramey Lane).
(Vote Approved: 5–0)

A Motion to approve the demolition of eleven structures with CDBG monies:
1220 Knox Ave., 417 Pearl St., 336 Franklin Dr., 210 Reed Ave., 217–219 Reed Ave., 301 Lenawee Ave., 28 Schoonmaker Ave., 540 Chestnut St., 109 Elm St., 511 Summit Ave., 217 Parente Blvd.

The Police Report for the month ending August 2021 was read.

Councilwoman Thomas:

The Street Report for the month ending Aug 2021 was read.
The Library Board Report for the month ending Aug 2021 was read.
The Redevelopment Authority Report for the month ending Aug 2021 was read.

Councilman Orzechowski:

The Parks Report for the month ending Aug 2021 was read.

Councilman Gregor:

Code Enforcement Office Financial Report ending Aug 2021
Code Enforcement Activity Report ending Aug 2021
Mon Valley Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Report ending Aug 2021
Fire department Report ending Aug 2021
Mon Valley Sewage Authority Report for Aug 2021 was read.

Councilman Coles:

A Motion to approve payment of invoices — General Fund $217,957.51
(Vote Approved: 5–0)
A Motion to approve payment of invoices — Line Usage $83,228.14
(Vote Approved: 5–0)
A Motion to approve payment of invoices — Liquid Fuels $12,897.26
(Vote Approved: 5–0)
A Motion to approve payment of invoices — Park Fund $5,717.32
(Vote Approved: 5–0)
A Motion to approve payment of invoices — Recreation $1,504.35
(Vote Approved: 5–0)

Large Dollar Account balances, for the month ending June:
Debt Service $476,083.38
American Rescue $314,472.54
Line Usage $97,614.02
Parks & Recreation $ 95,790.50
General Fund $72,721.47

The floor was opened to public comment.

The meeting was adjourned.




Matt Shorraw
Matt Shorraw

Written by Matt Shorraw

29. BS, Music Tech; Attending Harvard Univ. Mayor, City of Monessen PA. Community Organizer. Proud Alpha Chi Rho Brother. Love data, policy, and urban affairs.

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