Monessen to Begin Citywide Enforcement Initiative to Address Property Maintenance Violations in the City
MONESSEN — In order to begin sweeping changes and a citywide effort to clean up blight, and better enforce property maintenance requirements, the City of Monessen will begin to fully enforce the already-existing ordinances and regulations that allow the city to address property maintenance violations. The City of Monessen must begin cleaning up blighted and nuisance properties and encourage residents to keep their properties maintained, in order to begin to attract new residents and businesses to the city.
Since the city has been more lenient than it should have been for several years, property owners will be given some time to address any potential violations they may have on their properties; however, enforcement will begin immediately. This enforcement will not only take place with vacant properties — but all properties throughout the city.
The City of Monessen has moved to a ticked system for code violations. A violator may be served a ticket and fine, and each day the violation continues, an additional and separate ticket and fine will be issued. Anyone issued this ticket must correct the violation(s) and pay the fine.
The City has the right to abate the violation at the expense of the property owner after 48 hours has passed. In the instance where the city abates the violation, it reserves the right to charge that cost to the property owner. That cost will be at $50 per hour, per employee, plus the cost of any material and equipment. The base cost of each fine for each offense is $25 per offense and incrementally increases with each subsequent violation. Please read the full ordinance for a detailed explanation of the schedule of fines and fees.
These violations include but not limited to:
- Accumulation of Rubbish, Garbage, junk, or litter is prohibited.
- Items meant for interior use (such as appliances/furniture) must not remain outside.
- No dumping on any public property, including but not limited to streets and sidewalks.
- Junk vehicles (any unregistered, uninspected, inoperative, unlicensed vehicle or trailers) are prohibited and will be towed.
- For-profit vehicle repair businesses are prohibited in residential districts unless a zoning variance and license has been granted.
- No placement/disposal of litter or advertising on any public property, street or sidewalk.
- Animals are prohibited to run at large or make unreasonable noise.
- Animal waste on owners’ property must be cleaned on a daily basis.
- Animal waste anywhere else in the city must be disposed of immediately.
- Infestation of insects or vermin must be reported to Monessen Police or Monessen Code Department.
- All properties must be maintained free from weeds or plant growth in excess of six inches (with the exception of flowers and vegetables).
- Swimming pools must be maintained at all times.
- It is unlawful to install any in-ground, aboveground or temporary pool without proper permits and inspections.
- Landlords must register before allowing tenants to occupy their properties (as described further in Monessen City Code).
- Permits are required for building or structural work, dumpsters, and signs/billboards.
- Accessory structures (detached garages, fences, and walls) must be structurally sound and maintained.
- All sidewalks must be maintained, repaired and free from all debris.
- All structures must display accurate numerical signs (house numbers).
- Dangerous trees (due to overgrowth, instability, infestation, etc.) prohibited.
- Defacement of any property, public or private is prohibited.
- Property owners must restore any defaced property.
A copy of the Monessen Quality of Life Ordinance or any other ordinance can be found at Monessen City Hall. For any questions, regarding property violations or what may be legal or illegal, please contact the Monessen Code Department at 724–684–9000.