Monessen Work Session Summary
For: May 4, 2020
This is a summary of the discussion that took place at the non-voting work session meeting for Monessen City Council on May 4, 2020.
The following items were discussed along with some rationale behind them all. I felt that it was necessary for me to include that rationale, seeing as there are numerous rumors out there on social media in the past day or two, as well as accusations made by some individuals, including by Facebook profiles that appear to be fictitious. This will address some of those concerns.
Items for discussion:
a. Letter from the Westmoreland County Board of Commissioners regarding real estate taxes for the county. Monessen will comply with the county’s resolution on real estate taxes.
Rationale: Westmoreland County has extended the discount period for county real estate taxes to August 31, 2020, and anything paid between August 31, 2020, and December 31, 2020, will have no penalty.
b. Council discussion on the real estate tax issue for Monessen?
Rationale: Monessen will vote to follow suit with the county to extend the city real estate tax discount period to August 31, 2020, and also waive the penalty through December 31, 2020.
c. The city of Monessen will not be eligible for the recycling performance grants because it is not in compliance with Act 101 requirements for a mandated municipality.
Rationale: Roughly $12,000 was lost this year, due to the paperwork from the city not being completed. Additionally, we are currently out of compliance, because the city’s leaf pickup was discontinued several years ago, and the city’s street sweeper is not in good working order. Unless we get these items addressed, we could face fines.
d. Road safety issues on Route 906, corner of Schoonmaker Ave and Fourth Street, and at Schoonmaker Ave and Oneida Street.
Rationale: Cars are parking in the line of sight for traffic, and we need to adjust the no parking zones to allow for an appropriate line of sight. Additional intersections with similar issues are Third and Donner as well as Sixth and Reed.
e. An ordinance providing for and regulating the use of fires and burning by the establishment of specific regulations, exceptions, and definitions; providing for enforcement; prescribing penalties for violation; repealing inconsistent ordinances; and providing for an effective date.
Rationale: The city’s burning ordinance needs to be updated, and there are too many grey areas in the current form. Since the DEP updated their burning regulations in 2010/2011, the city proposes this ordinance to bring us closer to DEP guidelines and requirements, and to make the city and its residents safer.
f. Resolution of the City of Monessen authorizing the Housing Consortium Cooperation Agreement with the County of Westmoreland.
Rationale: This is so Monessen can continue to receive funding through the Federal HOME program, which is managed by Westmoreland County. This funding would extend from 2021–2023.
g. An Ordinance of the Council of the City of Monessen, Westmoreland County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, replacing ordinance no. 1–2019 of the City of Monessen.
Rationale: This would repeal the “fine ordinance” that the city placed on elected officials. It would deem the fine process unconstitutional and unenforceable. Additionally, to my knowledge, I was fined only once in my absence, and if I was fined more than that, I was never notified — which is required by the ordinance. Councilman Coles was never fined.
h. Part-time employees — In order to standardize the hourly rate, a request is made to move from $8.00 to $9.50 per hour, beginning June 1, 2020.
Rationale: Currently, three part-time employees would qualify for this. Two of them make $9.50 per hour already, and one does not. We need to make it more equitable and raise the third employee's rate to $9.50 per hour in order to match the other two.
i. The Code Office has requested a fee bet set for a Conditional Use application. This is needed in order for permits to be applied under this use. Other municipalities have cost applications from $250.00 to $450.00. (An applicable example: high mast signs 30' to 80' in the air.)
Rationale: This is not something that is currently on the books, and we have a request for a conditional use to be considered. In order to do that, we need to establish an application fee.
j. Assign a committee of four to interview applicants for the Accounting/Payroll position. Committee will consist of Councilwoman Thomas, Mayor Shorraw, Treasurer Saksun, and City Administrator John Harhai.
Rationale: This is to more fairly interview a job candidate. Also, the Payroll clerk position has been vacant since May 2019, and the employee has not yet been replaced. This is a union position that should not be done by a City Clerk or City Administrator. Additionally, applications are being accepted for the Payroll Clerk position until May 12th.
k. Request approval to interview an applicant for the City Clerk position.
Rationale: Monessen is required, by Third Class City Code to have a City Clerk. In the past, Monessen has always had a city clerk. On and off from the 1970’s onward, Monessen has had a city clerk and city administrator as two separate positions. The reason being — they are two separate job disciplines. By dividing the workload, we are able to get more things accomplished. A City Clerk handles insurance, financial records, and some HR. A City Administrator handles operations, and seeks out grant opportunities, potential developers, investors, and new businesses, in concert with the Mayor’s office. I personally have no doubt the current City Administrator could tackle all of these things; however, there are time limitations and physical limitations. We are learning of more and more things that were not complete when there was only one City Administrator/Clerk. This opens us up to lost funding, fines, and other issues; and also decreases our opportunities for the entire city, in terms of things that can get accomplished. We are exploring potential funding streams to help defer the cost of a salary for this position. Once we get the information together, we will begin to advertise and interview candidates, and select one that is knowledgeable, personable, and that comes in with fresh, intelligent ideas.
l. Request approval to look for another street sweeper. (rehabilitated not new).
Rationale: This was touched upon in item “c.”, above. In order for us to not be fined, and to be in compliance with Act 101, regarding recycling, leaf pickup, etc., we must have a functioning street sweeper. The city will explore grant funding to offset the cost of the vehicle, prior to commitment.
m. An ordinance confirming current on-street parking restrictions, prohibitions, and regulations for portions of Eastgate Avenue, Rebecca Street, Monongahela Street, Parente Boulevard, First Street, Second Street, Third Street, Fourth Street, Fifth Street, Sixth Street, Seventh Street, Eighth Street, Tenth Street, Twelfth Street, Maronda Way, Donner Avenue, and Schoonmaker Avenue; Establishing two-hour parking and eliminating metered parking for portions of Oneida Street, First Street, Second Street, Fifth Street, Sixth Street, Wendell Ramey Lane, Donner Avenue, and Schoonmaker Avenue; confirming current off-street parking restrictions and regulations for various city parking lots; promulgating general parking regulations and restrictions; repealing inconsistent ordinances; and providing for an effective date.
Rationale: This ordinance would remove all metered parking in Downtown Monessen, and replace it with two-hour parking during business hours and free parking after hours. All current non-parking zones would remain the same. All currently leased parking zones would remain the same. All current public parking lots would remain the same. This will hopefully help our businesses in the city, and will hopefully help to also attract new businesses and visitors.
n. Update on the USDA project.
Rationale: This project would allow us to get funding through a grant/loan from the federal government to replace the 110-year old main sewer lines under 12th, 9th, 6th, and 3rd Streets, and the one under Parente Boulevard. This will help us improve our infrastructure, and limit the possibility of a catastrophic collapse. We will keep the public apprised on the updates as we receive them. We have been placed at the top of the list for priority and should have more details pinned down in several months.
o. Update on the EQ tank.
Rationale: This tank would help the flow with the stormwater, and allow it to be better managed. We are working on a deal with the sewage authority to construct and maintain this tank. We will not raise the ratepayers’ line usage fee for this project. This project has been put off for many years and is mandated by the DEP.
p. Monessen Ninth Street Park Rehabilitation, Phase 1.
Rationale: A grant was written through DCNR to fund the rehabilitation of 9th Street Park. If awarded, the city will be able to: resurface the basketball courts, including refurbished ADA compliant paths, and replace compliant mulch around already-existing playground equipment; install a water fountain; repair the fence surrounding the park; install minimal landscaping; and repair the handicap curb and sidewalk at the entrance to the park. This grant will be great for our city and the residents that use 9th Street Park!
q. Request by Ron Chromulak, Commander Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1190 to name pavilions in City Park with names of fallen servicemen.
Rationale: This is a nice way to honor our city’s fallen soldiers. We will have more information on this at a later date.
Announcement: The water authority (Authority of the Borough of Charleroi) will be preparing streets on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, and paving the following streets on Thursday and Friday of this week and Monday and Tuesday of next week: Overhill, Monessen Blvd., Chestnut, and Division. This is weather permitting. Monessen Blvd. at Pennsylvania Blvd to Scenery Blvd will be closed for 24 to 48 hours. Residents nearby will be notified ahead of time.
Additionally, repairs on Coolidge have been changed to full depth, plus a new water line, on Coolidge from Grand Blvd. to Westmoreland Drive. Maple Avenue will have a new water line from Vine to South 14th. Again, this is being completed by the water authority. In regards to Coolidge and Maple, these are in the design phase and work is expected to begin later this year.